CyberWorms - Version 1.1 Copyright (c) 1995 Jeff Thompson, Atomic Bagpipe Software Portions Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved [BACKGROUND] CyberWorms is a neat little Windows(TM) Screen Saver that I started working on during my lunch hours. I wanted to get the feel for Windows programming so I just started goofing around with the "bouncer" example application, which comes with the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler. As with all projects it grew and grew to become what it is today. Version 1.1 - Modified to disable rotating palettes in other than 256 color mode. Palettes for other than 256 color mode now "mimic" those used in 256 color mode. Version 1.0 - Had a known bug of not being "friendly" in non 256 color modes. [INSTALLATION] There's no installation program for this little guy, just copy CYBERWRM.SCR to your windows directory and use the "Desktop Control Panel" to change the "Screen Saver" settings to use the CyberWorms screen saver. [SETUP] Setting the different options in CyberWorms is fairly easy to do and doesn't require a lot of help, but here's brief a description of each option and what it does. Angle of Change - Controls the "wigglyness" of the worms. An angle of one degree would barely wiggle at all, an angle of ninety degrees would make boring square worms. An angle of somewhere between eleven to thirty eight degrees seems to work the best. Max Segments - Controls the length of the worm. The higher the number, the longer the worm. If you don't have the "Clear Screen First" check-box marked you really won't be able to see the effects of changing the worm length. Worm Type - Controls how the worm segments appear. The Big Fat Juicy Ones as well as the Little Skinny Slimy Ones are just what they sound like. Random Widths changes the worm segment size randomly, and Wavy Widths uses a nice mathematical sine curve to change the worm segment size. Clear Screen First - Does just that; clears the screen when the screen saver starts and whenever the Max Segments count has been reached. Nice to select if you want to get rid of lots of worm trails and start with a clean slate. Psycho Mirrors - Have you ever been to a Grateful Dead show, seen a Fruitopia(TM) commercial or looked into a Kaleidoscope? Well if not then Psycho Mirrors will really get an "OH COOL!" reaction from you. Even if you've seen it before it's still pretty neat. Rotate Palette - Does just what it says it does; rotates the color palette so that the worm appears to move (kinda). With some color palettes the worms just seem to writhe about. Only works in 256 color mode. Palette Selector - Under the Rotate Palette check-box is the Palette Selector list. Pick from one of the six pre-defined palettes for different color schemes. Password Options - Works just like a standard screen savers does. If you don't know how to use this, you'd better read your windows manual. More - Click this button to get "more" information (duh) on this fine product, like where to send questions, comments and maybe even a registration to. [KNOWN BUGS] As of now, all known bugs have been corrected. let me know if you find any. [LEGAL STUFF] You've all seen the standard disclaimers, and like me you never read them. SO, if you use this product and it does ANYTHING that upsets you, I won't pay to fix it and I claim no responsibility for any problems you may have. If you use this product you do so at your own risk. Using this product is an acceptance of these terms. So there! You may distribute copies of this product (PLEASE DO) by any means as long as the files are not altered and they are all included. You may not charge anyone for this product without first getting approval from the author. You may include this product in shareware libraries, without prior approval, as long as no other terms are violated. If you include this product in a shareware library, please drop me a post card or send me an E:Mail message to let me know. I'd be interested to see how far this little application goes. [SHAREWARE & REGISTRATION STUFF] I really don't expect to get any registrations BUT if I do I'll add your name to my mailing list and keep you in mind when I come up with any new stuff. I might even be persuaded to send you a copy of the source code. Besides, if you use this application regularly you'll begin to be hypnotized by it's psychedelic effects and eventually fall into my control, then I'll get your money anyway. You might as well beat the rush of crazed zombie-like groupies all clawing and scratching trying to give me their cash. OK, sure, right... If you really feel the need, like you have to relieve some guilt, you can send $5 (five) US Dollars, in check, money order or gold doubloons, to: Jeff Thompson Atomic Bagpipe Software 5849 West 41st Place Indianapolis, IN 46254 For questions, comments or verbal abuse, E:Mail me at: Thompson@In.Net or "SnailMail" me at the above address. If you E:Mail me I'll answer. If you want a reply to "SnailMail" send me a S.A.S.E. or your E:Mail address.